J2EE (Advance Java) Training

J2EE (Java 2 platform, Enterprise Edition) is a Java platform designed for the mainframe-scale computing typical of large enterprises. Sun Micro-systems (Together with industry partners such as IBM) designed J2EE to simplify application development in a thin client tiered environment.
J2EE simplifies Application development and decreases the need for programming and Programmer training by creating standardised, reusable modular components and by enabling the tier to handle many aspects of programming automatically.
The J2EE platform takes advantage of many features off the Java 2 Platform, standard Edition (J2SE), such as “Write once, Run Anywhere” Portability, JDBC API for database access, CORBA technology for interaction With existing enterprise resources, and a security model that protects data even in internet application.
Building on this base, the Java 2 platform, Enterprises Edition adds full support for Enterprises JavaBeans components, Java servlets API, Java server pages and XML technology. The J2EE standard includes Complete specification and compliance tests to ensure portability of applications Across the wide range of existing enterprise systems capable of supporting the J2EE platform. In addition, the J2EE specification now ensures Web services Interoperability through support for the WS-1 Basic Profile.